Thursday, October 2, 2008

Evaluation Worship and Sermon by Abraham Thomas

Mr. Abraham Thomas, BD IV, conducted his evaluation worship and sermon on October 1, 2008. The theme of the service was, Let Your Love be in Action. The  text selected was Romans 12:9-21 The  Invocation ,  Praise and Thanksgiving and, the Concluding Prayer (modified Lord's Prayer)  were particularly appreciated by evaluators.The Invocation was led by Nang Sang (M. Th I). The sermon was presented in the context of persecution of Christians in Orissa.  For a number of reasons Paul regards love greater than faith and hope. For Paul love the heartfelt affection of the Christian in response to th love  God has shown toward us, especially in the gift of salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. To Abraham Thomas, "Love subordinates the interests of the lover to the one who is loved.  Love inspires our deliberate, diligent, self-sacrificial service to others, which is intended for their good at our expense." The Grek word  used in Romans 12:10 is   philostorgoi, which is translated  "Kindly affectioned" (KJV),  mutual affection (NRSV), devoted to one another  (IV,NIV, TNIV). Love should be natural as loving the family members. When persecuted we are to endure not passively, but actively by perseverance and steadfast prayer. To explain the meaning of Paul's quote from Proverbs Prov. 25:21,22 in  Romans 10 20  the preacher referred to an Egyptian custom: When a person wanted to demonstrate public contrition, that person would carry on his head  a pan of burning coal to represent the burning pain of his shame and guilt. He concluded by saying: Pray  for humility that you might repay evil with good, and for the ability to serve their needs rather than their desire their suffering. This is genuine love which overcomes the evil.

Mr. Abraham Thomas belongs to th the Church of God (Full Gospel) in India, which does not have the tradition of  prepared liturgy. However Abraham Thomas tried hard to prepare an order of service as required by the Gurukul Evaluation Service. He is a good singer and  communicator, with a good loud and clear voice and we pray that he may be enabled further to pursue the meaning of the Gospel of Christ.

For excerpts from his order of worship click here

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